We are EML Transport Service Pte Ltd

Contact: +65 92779277 / 92770099 / 64797597
Fax: +65 64793937
Email: admin@emltransportservice.finestincity.com

See what we can do for you and your business



About Us

EML Transport Service Pte Ltd was incorporated in 2010. Over the years we have gradually and steadily built up a strong presence in the local transportation industry, providing transportation to local and international schools and private companies. Our company have started off from a fleet of 5 vehicles to the current date of 60 vehicles.

Proudly serving you since 2012

We are constantly upgrading for new innovation to meet our client’s requirement and strive to be a dynamic, modern and reputable transport company. additionally, eml transport had attained bizsafe level

Features that we have

GPS live tracking

Live surveillance of the locations of the fleet buses and historical trace playback.

Students attendance system

Attendance taking device for students taking the daily school buses. (school buses only)

Driver fatigue dms

Detecting driver’s driving behavior and trigger an alarm if scanned that the driver is breaching safe driving or distracted.

Commitment to safety

committed to adopt a safe working environment for all.

0 K+
Satisfied Clients
Years of Experience
0 +
Completed Projects

What Our Customers Think